Have fun at the Beach

Sunday, October 27, 2013

I wonder

I joined Facebook in the spring of 2009.  Up until that time, I thought it was something just for college or high school kids.  Then, I saw where my mother-in-law had a FB page, so I decided to give it a try.  WOW!  Facebook has been a very pleasant experience, for the most part.  I've made new friends through scottish terrier groups, and have gotten to meet a few of them, which was so much fun.  I've connected with high school friends that I haven't seen in ages, and probably wouldn't recognize if I passed them on the street, yet I know what's going on in their lives..the good stuff and the not so good.  Pictures and comments from family members keep them close and on my mind, even when they are far away.  Some of the Facebook changes have been annoying.  I don't like recipes and the advertisements.  They take up too much space, so I just keep scrolling.  My daughter included me in a neighborhood watch group which, I swear, is sometimes better than a soap opera!  I have been appalled by the vicious name calling and political diatribes that some people post.  I haven't unfriended anyone if their beliefs are different than mine, but I have blocked a few and quit following them on my newsfeed.  And I also haven't unfriended those who make ugly remarks about my favorite team.....but, fortunately, most of my football-loving friends are good-natured and don't get nasty with the trash talk!
But, I started thinking, what are the main things one learns about me if they follow my FB posts???? In no particular order:  1) I am a teacher. 2) I am an Auburn fan..a big one  3) I am an animal lover  4) I am crazy about my scottish terriers.5) I like wine.  That's pretty much it.  I refuse to make comments or even "like" political or religious posts because I think that should remain private. I never gripe about the kids or the husband.   Can anyone tell that I despise standardized testing?  That I am so jealous of my friends who are now becoming grandparents?  That I miss one of my best friends who died over a year ago and not a day goes by that I don't think of her?  That I am quite content with growing older, until I see pictures of folks I went to school with and I think, AUGHHHH, do I look that old????? So, I'll be positive and think that maybe they are just not very photogenic.
This school year, so far, has been very stressful.  I get there early and stay very late.  I have a never-ending to do list.  I think it all caught up with me this weekend.  I stayed late on Friday, and then prepared a big list of things to do on Saturday that didn't get done because I was sick....fever and horrendous stomach problems.  I slept through most of the football games I wanted to see.  I think that was the Lord's way of telling me to rest.  I did nothing all day.  Now, this morning, I threw the to do list away, and I feel much better.  Thank you, Lord.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Have dogs, will travel.

This weekend was the 2nd time we took all 3 dogs with us to Florence.  Ralph stayed behind at the groomer's; and Emily came over to take care of the ones who stayed behind.  Because of all our animals..birds, cats, dogs, etc., we seldom go anywhere together
anymore.  One of us usually stays behind just to take care of the zoo.  Since we have a little house in PCB, we get away to the beach several times a year and we take all the dogs with us then.  Now, we take two cars!!  Ralph and Eleanor ride in crates in my car.  If we stay longer than 1 or 2 nights, one of the daughters comes over to feed and water everyone left behind.  And, cats are so much easier to leave alone.  Sometimes, I think they are happy to have the house to themselves for the weekend!  We leave out big bowls of dry food and big bowls of water, and clean litter boxes, and they are good to go.  Of course, Emily or Caroline still checks on them.

   This time, on the way home, we stopped at Durbin's in Clanton.   It's a good rest stop, and they have the best homemade ice cream year round.  It was different today, though.  We bought ice cream for the dogs!!!     Chris and I didn't even get any.  This stop was strictly for them.  Well, we did use the restroom while there.      Lee Roy ate every bit of his.  Franklin downed most of his, but Eleanor was not too impressed.  I don't think she is a cake and ice cream kind of girl.  Once we got home, she threw it up.  Oh, well.                                                            

Sunday, October 13, 2013

You can't go back.

 I find a lot of joy in getting together with old friends and colleagues.  I have missed the closeness and the special camaraderie that developed in the many years I worked with the Eastway bunch.  I love remembering the countless parties and gatherings at my house with a special faculty.  Those were such fun years.  I am often asked, "Is it better in Alabama?"  And I always answer, "It is different."  I am being diplomatic.  The kids are the same.  Kids are kids.  But the working atmosphere is very different.
This past Friday, we had an Eastway Reunion at the Speakeasy.  What a good time!  The smiles, the laughter, the love.  Our old principal came and reminded us that we all still loved each other, after all these years.  We really were a special bunch.  As our get together came to a close, the old assistant principal said to me, "you know, you can't go back".  And I sadly had to agree with her. BUT, it sure is fun to visit and remember once in a while.

This was our first ornament party. 2002.
That poor girl was from Up North, and didn't "get" tailgating!! We took her to her first Auburn game.  October 2003.
Many of our after school gatherings were held at the Speakeasy.  It seemed natural to meet there again Friday.
I taught with both of these ladies.  I missed them so much when they left Eastway.