Have fun at the Beach

Saturday, June 15, 2013


If I were to turn my hobby of making dog collars into a business, that's what I would call it...SpragWags.  Clever, huh?  My husband gave me a sewing machine for Christmas.  And thanks to the miracles of Pinterest and Google, I began to try my luck at making dog collars.  When my kids were young, I made many of their clothes, until it wasn't cool to wear "clothes your mother made."  I quit sewing for myself long ago, but I wanted to try something different.  (Plus, I don't have grandkids yet...just wait.).  I am quite pleased with the way they look, and I have cheerfully shared what I've made with friends.  One non-dog owner saw them and said these collars made her want to get a dog just so it could wear one of my collars!!!  Now, I know that is not a valid reason for wanting a dog, but I did take it as a compliment.  Right now, I have way more collars than dogs to wear them.  Franklin, Eleanor, and Ralph can all have a different collar of the week....Next up, collars for the Fourth of July.

Chiz photo bombs my layout!!!

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