Have fun at the Beach

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sew what?

I took sewing lessons in 8th grade.  The teacher didn't like me and I wasn't very good.  I learned the basics.  My mother helped me a good bit, but to this day, I am sorry I didn't take Home Ec in high school.  At that time, I turned my nose up at the idea of taking that course because I was too "smart" to take it.  Hmph, dumbest thing I ever did.  Flash forward to my first year of marriage.  The first thing I bought on credit in MY name was a Singer sewing machine.  I began to sew a few things for myself just to see if I could do it.  Flash forward to the summer of 1987, and I made many of Matthew's shorts and shirts for a trip to Disney World.  Chris said he looked like Opie Taylor in some of those outfits.  Flash forward to Halloween of 1991.  That year I decided to make the girls' Halloween costumes.  That was so much fun, I continued to make many of their clothes.  I gave away that first Singer and bought a new machine. (One that could make buttonholes!!!)  I loved the rush I got knowing how much money I'd saved making their clothes, and I loved the compliments I received.  Sadly, they reached the age where they no longer wanted their mom to make their clothes.  My sewing projects dwindled to making costumes for church and school plays, and eventually, that stopped, too.  By then, I was into scrapbooking big time and didn't have time to sew.  The sewing machine was packed up and put in the attic.  That was the mid to late 90s.  Flash way forward to last year, when Pinterest became a big deal.  Someone pinned a picture of child's dress with a scottie applique.  And something in me decided I should begin sewing again.  It was too much trouble to look in the attic for the old machine, so I asked for a new one for Christmas.  I started with dog collars and pillow covers, and, for the first time since 1992, I made a little girl's dress.  I downloaded a pattern from Etsy, and made that scottie dress I saw on Pinterest.  After all this time, one thing I've learned...that if I spend a little more for quality fabric for a fairly simple pattern, it looks good.  And, I am proud of my first attempt in all these years.  It will break my heart if my daughters don't want me to make a few things for their children, when they have kids of their own.  I told a teacher at school that her granddaughter could have this dress if it fit her.  If not, it can wait for my first granddaughter!!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Reflections of a New Day

I think I became an Auburn fan about the 5th grade.  That's the earliest I can recall.  My dad watched college football every Saturday, and so becoming a college football fan just naturally occurred.  He was an Alabama fan, and I think I picked Auburn just to annoy him.  LOL.  Anyway, after that, I always knew I'd go to Auburn.  For awhile, I was interested in Wake Forest, but decided Auburn was closer to home.  Out of all the thoughtful pieces thousands of folks have written about their love for Auburn and why they love it, my words would be no different.  I don't know why I love it; I just do.  Maybe it's a southern thing.   I know that it's more than a football team.  It's a way of living life perhaps.  I mean, we could be the worst team in the history of the world every year, but I would still be cheering for the orange and blue.
Now, a few thoughts about yesterday's game and the afternoon spent in the Loveliest Village on the Plains.  HOT, HOT, HOT, HUMID, HUMID, HUMID.  The stadium was a sauna.  Thankfully, there were some rain showers in the area, but none at the stadium, so there was no bright sun and a slight breeze.  For the first time in 20 years, we have season tickets.  Section 43 row 61.  3 rows from the very top of the section.  Good Lord, I am out of shape.  No way was I going to the bathroom at half-time if I had to climb those steps...I have got to start working out.  Pre-game stuff was great.  I get teary-eyed every time the eagle soars, we sing "God Bless America", and "The Star Spangled Banner."  But, the canned music that is played for the crowd didn't inspire me at all.  Not crazy about "Crazy Train",  There was no "Living On a Prayer", but there was "Start Me Up".  And the crowd did go nuts with the Gary Glitter oldie and I really liked the part when everyone chanted, "Rammer Jammer Yellowhammer, Go to hell, Alabama."
Didn't realize my fingers were so fat
During the summer, I made game day collars for all the dogs and had them wearing the collars all week.  I am sure that brought the team luck.  Then, I bought myself a little game day bling at Ware Jewelers, which again, I am sure was a lucky move.  Before the game, Chris and I always go the Alumni Tent where there are great freebies, food, big screen TVs, Aubie, the band and majorettes,  and birds from the Southeastern Raptor Center.  Believe it or not, my favorite part is the birds.  They are so cool.  That little barred owl posed so nicely for me.

Well, there you have it.  An Auburn victory with a new coach is a great way to start "A New Day".  And, I believe in Auburn and love it.  Always have. Always will.