Have fun at the Beach

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The E Coli Experience

I wouldn't wish this experience on anyone.  I have never been this ill in my life.  Nastiness set in about 1:00 Friday afternoon.  Chills, low-grade fever, nausea, and bad backache.  Usually, I'll take a couple of Tylenol and the fever and backache disappear, and I'm back to normal very soon. NOT THIS TIME.  All those symptoms persisted throughout the weekend.  More time was spent in the bathroom than out, it seemed.  Not going into detail, but you get the picture.  The worst part of it all was the inability to sit up or walk a few feet without feeling as though I'd been run over by heavy equipment.  A 10 step walk to the kitchen required a 20 minute nap to recover.  I'm serious. So, on Sunday, I asked my daughter to drive me to one of those walk in acute care places; I was desperate.  After sitting in the waiting room for over an hour, I was finally seen.  (Encouraged by the sight of the PA on call wearing Auburn scrubs, I hoped she would find the cause of my misery.)  I was laying down most of that visit; it took just too much effort to sit up. After a bunch of questions and the standard tests, flu was ruled out.  Possible food poisoning, but the presence of e coli was detected by these tests.  Prescriptions were written and I came home.  I forgot to say to that PA "War Eagle", so that right there should tell you how sick I was.  I am still not 100%, but, at least now I can sit up longer and do a few little tasks before reclining.  What a way to begin summer vacation.  Okay, I'm done now.  I've got to go lay down.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Another One Bites the Dust

 I've just finished my 35th year of teaching.  Thirty of those thirty-five years were in Georgia.  I was lucky  enough to teach with folks who became dear friends.  Just like family.  We celebrated marriages, births, and graduations together.  We were there for funerals, for sickness, and for difficult times.  Our lives intertwined in many ways.  But, we grew older and we  moved on to different chapters in our lives.  People I loved and with whom I shared so many teaching adventures began to retire.  So, at the end of thirty years, I decided to retire from teaching in Georgia and begin teaching in Alabama.  I eagerly looked forward to starting a new phase of my career in education. I assumed my new coworkers would become friends and family, too.  Sad to say, that hasn't happened yet.   However, a pleasant camaraderie has developed with two teachers I am happy to call my friends. I am excited about next year and the plans we've made.   But, just for a while, I am not going to think about school.  I am going to rest, relax, play with my scotties, and start reading that pile of books I have stacked on my night stand.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sir Ralph meets his Nornie

Bringing a new scottie home has been a challenge.  First, Ralph had to meet and accept his new housemates.  That was tough.  After we had him neutered, he wasn't quite so ready to kill someone if they looked at him in a funny way.  After three sessions with Carolyn at The Developing Canine, Ralph has become a delightful member of our family.  This weekend, I took him to Florence to meet his grandparents.  Both of my parents are animal lovers, and I was hoping Ralph would be on his best behavior.  He did not disappoint me.  He was such a gentleman.  He just loved Nornie and Grandmono.  He enjoyed a long walk at Deibert Park in Florence, and made his first trip to Petco, where I bought him a new crate for the car.  Ralph enjoyed belly rubs and laptime with his new buddy, Nornie.  So, he's passed this test.  Next up, a trip to the beach.  In the car.  With three other dogs.  Pray for me.  Please.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Field Trip!!!!!!!!

Unexcited about today's field trip to the Georgia Aquarium, I put on a smiling face and set out.  This particular bunch of kids can be challenging, to say the least.  I carefully assigned buddies and began to grit my teeth.  For my three boys, it was their first visit.  The sheer joy and amazement in their voices as they visited each section totally delighted me.  I couldn't help but smile at the genuine curiosity each boy displayed.  We quickly ate lunch then dashed back to revisit the penguins, jellies, and the whale sharks.

It was a good day.  Tiring, but good.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

After the beach

 I certainly felt middle aged this past weekend.  The girls and I were at the beach for Mother's Day.  It's not often that I can be with both girls at the same time.  Not only are they young, they are skinny.  And wear cute clothes.  And funky shoes.  We went to two different beach hangouts, and at both I felt terribly out of place.  They were vivacious and out going.  Me, I just sat there being a mother.    At one place, Tootsie's, a bar at Pier Park in Panama City Beach, two guys came over to talk to the girls. All I could think was "what a buzz kill....having your mother sitting there."  Emily quickly let them know she was married, so they chatted with Caroline awhile.  And, they were very polite to me.   Geez, the girl takes her mother to Tootsie's!  I am glad I had time with them.  Shopping, even in the rain, was fun, and eating all the fried seafood was great.
And on a lighter note, Franklin got to spend some quality time with me, without his cone.  I brought him to the beach so I could monitor his medications, and to keep me company while the girls were out.  He's a good boy.  He met an Italian greyhound named Sophie as we were doing the morning walk.
Back to reality tomorrow.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Here they are.

Franklin, left.  Eleanor, center. Ralphie, right.
Three scotties  have come into my life and changed it drastically.  I've always had cats.  Lots of cats.  Then, we had birds.  Lots of birds.  Actually, we still have lots of birds.  When Franklin came, everything changed.  In a wonderful way.  I have become a dog person.  Frank came in 2007.  He was our first indoor dog.  What a learning experience.  Eleanor arrived as a puppy in 2011.  She was totally different from Franklin.  Spunky, and not nearly as laid back.  And white dogs show dirt much more than black dogs!  Sir Ralph, a four year old, arrived this year, the day before my 57th birthday.  My goodness, what a ferocious little thing he was. I have the scars on my arms to prove it. After having him less than a week, I signed him up for obedience classes.   We just finished our last class and he has become a delightful member of  our family.     Lucky for  me, my husband is as big a sucker as I am, and he has embraced them all with much love and affection.  He was in total agreement with me that we needed a king-sized bed to accomodate humans, canines, and felines.

A-Day 2013

Caroline and I went to Auburn for the last rolling of the oak trees at Toomer's Corner.  It was also A Day, and the crowd was unbelieveable.   An A Day record was set..over 87,000 fans were in attendance.  And then, I think all 87,000 of them went to Toomer's afterwards to roll the trees.  I've never seen such a crowd, but I wasn't at the National Championship rolling!! It was a gorgeous spring day.  Bittersweet, yet looking forward to the upcoming season.  It is a New Day...I am on the Gus Bus.  War Eagle.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Back at it!

Okay, so I haven't blogged since November.  When do you get the time to blog?????  I've thought of a million things to say, and have lots of pictures to post, but when do I get to sit down at my computer to do it???  Okay, I will start today.  Stay tuned.