Have fun at the Beach

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The E Coli Experience

I wouldn't wish this experience on anyone.  I have never been this ill in my life.  Nastiness set in about 1:00 Friday afternoon.  Chills, low-grade fever, nausea, and bad backache.  Usually, I'll take a couple of Tylenol and the fever and backache disappear, and I'm back to normal very soon. NOT THIS TIME.  All those symptoms persisted throughout the weekend.  More time was spent in the bathroom than out, it seemed.  Not going into detail, but you get the picture.  The worst part of it all was the inability to sit up or walk a few feet without feeling as though I'd been run over by heavy equipment.  A 10 step walk to the kitchen required a 20 minute nap to recover.  I'm serious. So, on Sunday, I asked my daughter to drive me to one of those walk in acute care places; I was desperate.  After sitting in the waiting room for over an hour, I was finally seen.  (Encouraged by the sight of the PA on call wearing Auburn scrubs, I hoped she would find the cause of my misery.)  I was laying down most of that visit; it took just too much effort to sit up. After a bunch of questions and the standard tests, flu was ruled out.  Possible food poisoning, but the presence of e coli was detected by these tests.  Prescriptions were written and I came home.  I forgot to say to that PA "War Eagle", so that right there should tell you how sick I was.  I am still not 100%, but, at least now I can sit up longer and do a few little tasks before reclining.  What a way to begin summer vacation.  Okay, I'm done now.  I've got to go lay down.

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