Have fun at the Beach

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Good morning, yesterday

"You wake up and time has slipped away".....That song just rips my heart out.  It so eloquently puts into words how I feel at the end of another year that has somehow gone by much too fast.  Thanks, Paul Anka.

So, another year comes to a close.  The highlights:  a new sewing machine, a new scottie, a rescued kitten, meeting scottie Facebook friends at Fala Day, and an unbelievable football season for which we were fortunate enough to have season tickets.  That's it.  Life has been good.
As I have gotten older, I have learned to enjoy simplicity.  This Christmas was the first I can recall where I wanted or needed nothing...I simply wanted the time to just "be"...at home, with loved ones, with all my canine and feline family members.  I enjoyed Christmas meals with family here and in Florence.  I found it funny that the girl cousins were discussing unwanted facial hair and how long before we would quit coloring our hair to hide the gray.  It wasn't that long ago that we were the ones with the babies; now those babies were there with THEIR babies.

And about that football season...it is a sweet story how we got tickets.  When Chris's mom died, she left each of her children a small sum of money with the instructions to do something fun with it.  When tickets sales opened to the public, and the season book included the Georgia AND Alabama game, Chris used the money to buy two season books.  Somehow, I know Nancy was smiling with us each game day.  And I wondered if his brothers and sisters had as much fun with their money as Chris did his.

"Reach back for the joy and the sorrow.  Put them away in your mind.  The mem'ries are time that you borrow to spend when you get to tomorrow".

Hello, 2014.  "Gather moments while you may.  Collect the dreams you dream today.  Will you remember the times of your life?"
(I hope I remember them, although I do have trouble remembering where I put my keys,)

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Ever to Conquer!

I was going to be perfectly happy with a 6-6 season this year.  Even after beating Texas A&M, I thought we were pretty much done. I love it when I'm wrong...... All last week, I kept telling myself, I'm okay with losing to Georgia, I'll be okay losing to Alabama.  I didn't dare get my hopes up.  It's okay to dream, but I am a realist....:)
Game day was cool and a bit overcast.  I spent Friday night before the game experimenting with 3 new tailgating recipes, chocolate chip cheesecake brownies, cheesy grits casserole, and a buffalo chicken crescent ring.  Pleased to say, all were successful.  We tailgated with the nicest bunch of folks, the parents of one of Caroline's friends.  Their RV is like a luxury suite on wheels, with a big screen TV on the outside. You just can't beat the smell of Boston butt on the grill.  It just smells like a football game.

Their tailgating spot is within easy walking distance of the beginning of the Tiger Walk.  It's a great spot at the top of the hill right by Sewell Hall.  It isn't crowded at all, and you are right next to the team as they walk by.  Aubie, the cheerleaders, and those other fancy girls who aren't majorettes come out first to lead the crowd in cheers and pose for pictures.  Lots of cute little girls and mamas with babies swarm around trying to get that memorable shot.

Now, I have to confess.  I have no idea who these guys are, they were just close enough to get a good picture.  Unless they are wearing their uniforms with numbers, I am clueless.  I thought every player with dreads was Tre Mason, but Caroline told me none of my pictures was of him.
I know who this guy is.
Words can't describe the joy, elation, sheer disbelief we felt at the game's outcome.  I've never come that close to crying at a ballgame.  Unbelievable.  I've lost count the number of times I've watched that catch today.  I'm proud to say, I was there.  And, I believe in Auburn, and love it.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

I wonder

I joined Facebook in the spring of 2009.  Up until that time, I thought it was something just for college or high school kids.  Then, I saw where my mother-in-law had a FB page, so I decided to give it a try.  WOW!  Facebook has been a very pleasant experience, for the most part.  I've made new friends through scottish terrier groups, and have gotten to meet a few of them, which was so much fun.  I've connected with high school friends that I haven't seen in ages, and probably wouldn't recognize if I passed them on the street, yet I know what's going on in their lives..the good stuff and the not so good.  Pictures and comments from family members keep them close and on my mind, even when they are far away.  Some of the Facebook changes have been annoying.  I don't like recipes and the advertisements.  They take up too much space, so I just keep scrolling.  My daughter included me in a neighborhood watch group which, I swear, is sometimes better than a soap opera!  I have been appalled by the vicious name calling and political diatribes that some people post.  I haven't unfriended anyone if their beliefs are different than mine, but I have blocked a few and quit following them on my newsfeed.  And I also haven't unfriended those who make ugly remarks about my favorite team.....but, fortunately, most of my football-loving friends are good-natured and don't get nasty with the trash talk!
But, I started thinking, what are the main things one learns about me if they follow my FB posts???? In no particular order:  1) I am a teacher. 2) I am an Auburn fan..a big one  3) I am an animal lover  4) I am crazy about my scottish terriers.5) I like wine.  That's pretty much it.  I refuse to make comments or even "like" political or religious posts because I think that should remain private. I never gripe about the kids or the husband.   Can anyone tell that I despise standardized testing?  That I am so jealous of my friends who are now becoming grandparents?  That I miss one of my best friends who died over a year ago and not a day goes by that I don't think of her?  That I am quite content with growing older, until I see pictures of folks I went to school with and I think, AUGHHHH, do I look that old????? So, I'll be positive and think that maybe they are just not very photogenic.
This school year, so far, has been very stressful.  I get there early and stay very late.  I have a never-ending to do list.  I think it all caught up with me this weekend.  I stayed late on Friday, and then prepared a big list of things to do on Saturday that didn't get done because I was sick....fever and horrendous stomach problems.  I slept through most of the football games I wanted to see.  I think that was the Lord's way of telling me to rest.  I did nothing all day.  Now, this morning, I threw the to do list away, and I feel much better.  Thank you, Lord.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Have dogs, will travel.

This weekend was the 2nd time we took all 3 dogs with us to Florence.  Ralph stayed behind at the groomer's; and Emily came over to take care of the ones who stayed behind.  Because of all our animals..birds, cats, dogs, etc., we seldom go anywhere together
anymore.  One of us usually stays behind just to take care of the zoo.  Since we have a little house in PCB, we get away to the beach several times a year and we take all the dogs with us then.  Now, we take two cars!!  Ralph and Eleanor ride in crates in my car.  If we stay longer than 1 or 2 nights, one of the daughters comes over to feed and water everyone left behind.  And, cats are so much easier to leave alone.  Sometimes, I think they are happy to have the house to themselves for the weekend!  We leave out big bowls of dry food and big bowls of water, and clean litter boxes, and they are good to go.  Of course, Emily or Caroline still checks on them.

   This time, on the way home, we stopped at Durbin's in Clanton.   It's a good rest stop, and they have the best homemade ice cream year round.  It was different today, though.  We bought ice cream for the dogs!!!     Chris and I didn't even get any.  This stop was strictly for them.  Well, we did use the restroom while there.      Lee Roy ate every bit of his.  Franklin downed most of his, but Eleanor was not too impressed.  I don't think she is a cake and ice cream kind of girl.  Once we got home, she threw it up.  Oh, well.                                                            

Sunday, October 13, 2013

You can't go back.

 I find a lot of joy in getting together with old friends and colleagues.  I have missed the closeness and the special camaraderie that developed in the many years I worked with the Eastway bunch.  I love remembering the countless parties and gatherings at my house with a special faculty.  Those were such fun years.  I am often asked, "Is it better in Alabama?"  And I always answer, "It is different."  I am being diplomatic.  The kids are the same.  Kids are kids.  But the working atmosphere is very different.
This past Friday, we had an Eastway Reunion at the Speakeasy.  What a good time!  The smiles, the laughter, the love.  Our old principal came and reminded us that we all still loved each other, after all these years.  We really were a special bunch.  As our get together came to a close, the old assistant principal said to me, "you know, you can't go back".  And I sadly had to agree with her. BUT, it sure is fun to visit and remember once in a while.

This was our first ornament party. 2002.
That poor girl was from Up North, and didn't "get" tailgating!! We took her to her first Auburn game.  October 2003.
Many of our after school gatherings were held at the Speakeasy.  It seemed natural to meet there again Friday.
I taught with both of these ladies.  I missed them so much when they left Eastway.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sew what?

I took sewing lessons in 8th grade.  The teacher didn't like me and I wasn't very good.  I learned the basics.  My mother helped me a good bit, but to this day, I am sorry I didn't take Home Ec in high school.  At that time, I turned my nose up at the idea of taking that course because I was too "smart" to take it.  Hmph, dumbest thing I ever did.  Flash forward to my first year of marriage.  The first thing I bought on credit in MY name was a Singer sewing machine.  I began to sew a few things for myself just to see if I could do it.  Flash forward to the summer of 1987, and I made many of Matthew's shorts and shirts for a trip to Disney World.  Chris said he looked like Opie Taylor in some of those outfits.  Flash forward to Halloween of 1991.  That year I decided to make the girls' Halloween costumes.  That was so much fun, I continued to make many of their clothes.  I gave away that first Singer and bought a new machine. (One that could make buttonholes!!!)  I loved the rush I got knowing how much money I'd saved making their clothes, and I loved the compliments I received.  Sadly, they reached the age where they no longer wanted their mom to make their clothes.  My sewing projects dwindled to making costumes for church and school plays, and eventually, that stopped, too.  By then, I was into scrapbooking big time and didn't have time to sew.  The sewing machine was packed up and put in the attic.  That was the mid to late 90s.  Flash way forward to last year, when Pinterest became a big deal.  Someone pinned a picture of child's dress with a scottie applique.  And something in me decided I should begin sewing again.  It was too much trouble to look in the attic for the old machine, so I asked for a new one for Christmas.  I started with dog collars and pillow covers, and, for the first time since 1992, I made a little girl's dress.  I downloaded a pattern from Etsy, and made that scottie dress I saw on Pinterest.  After all this time, one thing I've learned...that if I spend a little more for quality fabric for a fairly simple pattern, it looks good.  And, I am proud of my first attempt in all these years.  It will break my heart if my daughters don't want me to make a few things for their children, when they have kids of their own.  I told a teacher at school that her granddaughter could have this dress if it fit her.  If not, it can wait for my first granddaughter!!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Reflections of a New Day

I think I became an Auburn fan about the 5th grade.  That's the earliest I can recall.  My dad watched college football every Saturday, and so becoming a college football fan just naturally occurred.  He was an Alabama fan, and I think I picked Auburn just to annoy him.  LOL.  Anyway, after that, I always knew I'd go to Auburn.  For awhile, I was interested in Wake Forest, but decided Auburn was closer to home.  Out of all the thoughtful pieces thousands of folks have written about their love for Auburn and why they love it, my words would be no different.  I don't know why I love it; I just do.  Maybe it's a southern thing.   I know that it's more than a football team.  It's a way of living life perhaps.  I mean, we could be the worst team in the history of the world every year, but I would still be cheering for the orange and blue.
Now, a few thoughts about yesterday's game and the afternoon spent in the Loveliest Village on the Plains.  HOT, HOT, HOT, HUMID, HUMID, HUMID.  The stadium was a sauna.  Thankfully, there were some rain showers in the area, but none at the stadium, so there was no bright sun and a slight breeze.  For the first time in 20 years, we have season tickets.  Section 43 row 61.  3 rows from the very top of the section.  Good Lord, I am out of shape.  No way was I going to the bathroom at half-time if I had to climb those steps...I have got to start working out.  Pre-game stuff was great.  I get teary-eyed every time the eagle soars, we sing "God Bless America", and "The Star Spangled Banner."  But, the canned music that is played for the crowd didn't inspire me at all.  Not crazy about "Crazy Train",  There was no "Living On a Prayer", but there was "Start Me Up".  And the crowd did go nuts with the Gary Glitter oldie and I really liked the part when everyone chanted, "Rammer Jammer Yellowhammer, Go to hell, Alabama."
Didn't realize my fingers were so fat
During the summer, I made game day collars for all the dogs and had them wearing the collars all week.  I am sure that brought the team luck.  Then, I bought myself a little game day bling at Ware Jewelers, which again, I am sure was a lucky move.  Before the game, Chris and I always go the Alumni Tent where there are great freebies, food, big screen TVs, Aubie, the band and majorettes,  and birds from the Southeastern Raptor Center.  Believe it or not, my favorite part is the birds.  They are so cool.  That little barred owl posed so nicely for me.

Well, there you have it.  An Auburn victory with a new coach is a great way to start "A New Day".  And, I believe in Auburn and love it.  Always have. Always will.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Hey, Teacher, Leave them kids alone

Every year, I threaten to play that Pink Floyd song on the first day of school.  After all this time, I still think it is funny.  But, I don't think 3rd grade kids from the projects would understand the "dark sarcasm" of the verses that I find so humorous.

I love school supplies.  New crayons, new bottles of glue, sharpened colored pencils, washable markers, Sharpie markers, new back packs, Fiskars scissors.  I get such a rush walking down the school supply aisles at Target and WalMart.  Tom Hanks, in the movie "You've Got Mail" talked of "a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils".  That describes those #2s perfectly. And binder clips,  I must have bright, colorful BINDER CLIPS.  Forget dull, boring paper clips.

My room is getting decorated.  As usual, the Beatles and scotties are there.  I've ordered fabric for pillow covers and curtains.  I quit trying to keep a total of how much of my personal money I've spent on my classroom each year.  I don't even think about it anymore.  All in all, it's just another brick in the wall.......

Sunday, July 28, 2013

So long, Summer

My summer pretty much ends today.  Tomorrow, I head to my classroom where I’ll spend the morning creating an inviting learning environment for my new students.  That really sounded professional, didn’t it?...Inviting learning environment.  I have tugged and shoved and dragged furniture around and I have the bruises on my arms to show for it!  Tuesday and Wednesday is registration and I’ll find out who’s in my class.  Thursday and Friday, I’ll be back in the room still decorating and organizing.  We will try to get in one quick trip to the beach for the weekend.  I officially start back August 6.
It’s been a good summer.  I am sad to see it end.  I am ever reminded that I am getting older, and the days seem to go much faster now. 
So, here are some of the highlights of my summer of 2013:
  TIME Yes, time.  Time to putter and read and nap and just not be on a blasted schedule.
·         BOOKS  I am happy to say that I read all the books I had stacked on my night stand, and then some.  Here they are. Cats and Daughters,  A Dog’s Journey, One Good Dog, The Next Best Thing, A Secret Kept, The House I Loved, The Hypnotist, The Life of Pi, Cocktail Hour Under the Tree of Forgetfulness, Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, and The Other Boleyn GirlThey were all enjoyable.  My least favorite was The Life of Pi, while I was pleasantly surprised by Cocktail Hour Under the Tree of Forgetfulness.  I chuckled all the way through it.
 RAIN  That’s right, I loved the rain.  It kept everything blessedly cooler and beautifully greener.  After too many summers of three digit temperatures for days on end, the raindrops and cooler air were delightful.  I missed the 1996 US Women’s Olympic Softball Team’s victory over China because I was in the First Aid tent after being escorted by a doctor as I had become overheated.  Scary, and not fun.  Plus, I missed a good game.  Then, I missed Auburn’s first game of the 2001 season, because, once again, I was overheated and spent the entire first half in the first aid station on a stretcher. I love Auburn, and Auburn football, but I did not care about dying in the bowels of Jordan-Hare Stadium that day. So, this summer I appreciated the lower humidity and lower temperatures and enjoyed the outdoors much more.
NCIS marations on USA  It seems that every summer, I discover TV programs that have been on forever but I never found the time to watch them.  The summer of 2010 I became hooked on  HOUSE reruns. 2011, it was The Big Bang Theory.  Last summer, I became addicted to FRASIER reruns on the Hallmark Channel.  I have never laughed so much.  So, this summer, it is NCIS.  Mark Harmon is one fine looking actor, and Michael Weatherly ain’t too bad, either.  I really like Abby.  She’s like a female Sheldon Cooper, but way cooler.

My new washing machine.  Washing clothes has never been so much fun.

  Franklin, Eleanor, and Ralph  The walks, the cuddles, the naps, the ball tosses, the homemade dog food, the new collars, the trips to the beach.  Once again, the time to just relax and be with them.  WHEN DID I BECOME SUCH A FREAKIN’ DOG PERSON????????  We also rescued a kitten at the beach which we named Sheldon.  What's one more?

And finally, watermelon and peaches.  What else is there to say???

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Terrible Towels

I know some pro football team has something to do with the phrase "terrible towels".  Is it the Steelers?  Anyway, I mean real towels.  I have never used and washed so many towels until, you guessed it, Ralph came.  Our back yard has a stream and a soft, marshy area that Ralph delights in running through every morning and in the cool of the evening.  And, since it has been rather rainy lately, that little spot is extremely muddy.  Fortunately, he is a good boy and doesn't mind being rinsed or bathed in the bathtub.  I could plant a garden from all the soil I've washed off of him.  So, as one might guess, I use and wash lots of towels.  Lots and lots of  towels.  Filthy, muddy towels that have dried off one filthy, muddy scottie.  (Sometimes Eleanor is just as muddy as Ralph.  Not Franklin. He doesn't like to get his feet wet.)

When the wash cycle is finished, it plays a little tune.
Then, disaster struck.  Our old washing machine died.  Chris immediately went to Lowe's and ordered us a new one.  I was in awe of the new machine.  It took me a week to get up the nerve to use it.  FANCY STUFF.  Buttons, and dials, and indicators, and pockets for detergent, bleach, and fabric softener.  It is the kind with no agitator, and it "senses" the load, plus I can be really picky now about how I want a load washed.  After reading the manual, I got brave and washed my first load of......towels.  On the BULKY setting, I might add.  Let me tell, you I have never had so much fun using a washing machine in my life.  I find joy in the simple things in life.

Saturday, June 15, 2013


If I were to turn my hobby of making dog collars into a business, that's what I would call it...SpragWags.  Clever, huh?  My husband gave me a sewing machine for Christmas.  And thanks to the miracles of Pinterest and Google, I began to try my luck at making dog collars.  When my kids were young, I made many of their clothes, until it wasn't cool to wear "clothes your mother made."  I quit sewing for myself long ago, but I wanted to try something different.  (Plus, I don't have grandkids yet...just wait.).  I am quite pleased with the way they look, and I have cheerfully shared what I've made with friends.  One non-dog owner saw them and said these collars made her want to get a dog just so it could wear one of my collars!!!  Now, I know that is not a valid reason for wanting a dog, but I did take it as a compliment.  Right now, I have way more collars than dogs to wear them.  Franklin, Eleanor, and Ralph can all have a different collar of the week....Next up, collars for the Fourth of July.

Chiz photo bombs my layout!!!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Silent Summer

         During the school year, my day usually begins around 4:00 a.m.  I know, that's early, but I've come to like it. I get stuff done, and have time to explore Pinterest or Facebook before I actually begin getting ready for school.  Now that it is summer, my day usually begins around 4:30 a.m.  I am letting myself sleep later....HA.  Really, the dogs wake me up to go out, then I just stay up.  One thing I have enjoyed is the quiet of the mornings.  I open up the screen on the front door, and just take in the silence.  Then, the birds all over the neighborhood begin their morning songs.  For the first week I was out, my husband was still in school, so I decided to not even turn on the television until two o'clock, when General Hospital comes on.  Now, I'm in that habit, no noise until two.  (And the way that story is going, sometimes I think I have wasted a perfectly good hour on a bunch of ridiculous noise.)  So, trying to convince my husband to not turn on the tube until later has not been too much of a struggle.  He wants to watch Gunsmoke and Bonanza on TVLand.  And, I'm okay with that....no TV until two is the plan.  You know, I have not missed it one bit.  The quiet is so intoxicating.
           I often wondered what the dogs did all day while we were gone.  If the past two weeks are any indication, they do nothing!!!!  Their schedule is to go out first thing for about an hour to do squirrel and possum patrol.  Ralph and Eleanor run through the stream and the peppermint growing back there, and though they come in absolutely filthy sometimes, they smell real good.  Franklin will go off the deck steps, do his business, then come back to the deck and just chill awhile.   They all come back in, sit at the front windows, and bark at real or imagined things they see in our yard or across the street.  Then, about nine o'clock, they settle down for the day.  Franklin has been my shadow.  Where I go, he goes.  He is my baby.
             So. lets see how long I can keep the summer of silence going.  So far, so good.  Peace.
Top right, Ralph is wearing the Snoopy collar I made for him.
Bottom, the daily routine...nothing.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Rotten Ralph

In children's literature, Rotten Ralph is a naughty, but lovable cat created by Jack Gantos.  Here, at the Spragzoo, our own version is a naughty Scottish terrier.  And naughty is not quite accurate enough.   This Ralph experience is a new one for me.  He is totally different from Franklin and Eleanor.  They came here as puppies, and are so laid back.  I had seen other Scotties snarl and bare their teeth at other dogs, and would say a silent prayer of thanks that my two weren't like that at all. THEN WE GOT RALPH.  He came to us at 4 years old, unneutered, heartworm positive, and with a cataract in his right eye.  He fought with all our dogs at first.  Once he was neutered, and got adjusted to this new pack, he and the other dogs became buddies.  I did obedience classes with him, which also was a big help.  Poor little guy, at first, he was afraid to come in the house.  He had spent much of the last year as an outside dog. Gradually, he has learned he is welcome to come inside, and has made himself right at home.  He loves his crate, and wrestling with Eleanor every morning.  So now, our problem is, he won't let anyone, I mean anyone, other than Chris or me, in our house. My kids can't come over without calling to say, "Mom, I'm coming over. Put Ralph up."  Once again, Carolyn at The Developing Canine has come to our rescue.  She says he still feels he must guard everything, which is not good.  She gave me advice on what to do, and hopefully, she can work with him again in August.  In the meantime, if you want to come over, call first!!!  I will have to put Ralph up.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The E Coli Experience

I wouldn't wish this experience on anyone.  I have never been this ill in my life.  Nastiness set in about 1:00 Friday afternoon.  Chills, low-grade fever, nausea, and bad backache.  Usually, I'll take a couple of Tylenol and the fever and backache disappear, and I'm back to normal very soon. NOT THIS TIME.  All those symptoms persisted throughout the weekend.  More time was spent in the bathroom than out, it seemed.  Not going into detail, but you get the picture.  The worst part of it all was the inability to sit up or walk a few feet without feeling as though I'd been run over by heavy equipment.  A 10 step walk to the kitchen required a 20 minute nap to recover.  I'm serious. So, on Sunday, I asked my daughter to drive me to one of those walk in acute care places; I was desperate.  After sitting in the waiting room for over an hour, I was finally seen.  (Encouraged by the sight of the PA on call wearing Auburn scrubs, I hoped she would find the cause of my misery.)  I was laying down most of that visit; it took just too much effort to sit up. After a bunch of questions and the standard tests, flu was ruled out.  Possible food poisoning, but the presence of e coli was detected by these tests.  Prescriptions were written and I came home.  I forgot to say to that PA "War Eagle", so that right there should tell you how sick I was.  I am still not 100%, but, at least now I can sit up longer and do a few little tasks before reclining.  What a way to begin summer vacation.  Okay, I'm done now.  I've got to go lay down.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Another One Bites the Dust

 I've just finished my 35th year of teaching.  Thirty of those thirty-five years were in Georgia.  I was lucky  enough to teach with folks who became dear friends.  Just like family.  We celebrated marriages, births, and graduations together.  We were there for funerals, for sickness, and for difficult times.  Our lives intertwined in many ways.  But, we grew older and we  moved on to different chapters in our lives.  People I loved and with whom I shared so many teaching adventures began to retire.  So, at the end of thirty years, I decided to retire from teaching in Georgia and begin teaching in Alabama.  I eagerly looked forward to starting a new phase of my career in education. I assumed my new coworkers would become friends and family, too.  Sad to say, that hasn't happened yet.   However, a pleasant camaraderie has developed with two teachers I am happy to call my friends. I am excited about next year and the plans we've made.   But, just for a while, I am not going to think about school.  I am going to rest, relax, play with my scotties, and start reading that pile of books I have stacked on my night stand.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sir Ralph meets his Nornie

Bringing a new scottie home has been a challenge.  First, Ralph had to meet and accept his new housemates.  That was tough.  After we had him neutered, he wasn't quite so ready to kill someone if they looked at him in a funny way.  After three sessions with Carolyn at The Developing Canine, Ralph has become a delightful member of our family.  This weekend, I took him to Florence to meet his grandparents.  Both of my parents are animal lovers, and I was hoping Ralph would be on his best behavior.  He did not disappoint me.  He was such a gentleman.  He just loved Nornie and Grandmono.  He enjoyed a long walk at Deibert Park in Florence, and made his first trip to Petco, where I bought him a new crate for the car.  Ralph enjoyed belly rubs and laptime with his new buddy, Nornie.  So, he's passed this test.  Next up, a trip to the beach.  In the car.  With three other dogs.  Pray for me.  Please.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Field Trip!!!!!!!!

Unexcited about today's field trip to the Georgia Aquarium, I put on a smiling face and set out.  This particular bunch of kids can be challenging, to say the least.  I carefully assigned buddies and began to grit my teeth.  For my three boys, it was their first visit.  The sheer joy and amazement in their voices as they visited each section totally delighted me.  I couldn't help but smile at the genuine curiosity each boy displayed.  We quickly ate lunch then dashed back to revisit the penguins, jellies, and the whale sharks.

It was a good day.  Tiring, but good.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

After the beach

 I certainly felt middle aged this past weekend.  The girls and I were at the beach for Mother's Day.  It's not often that I can be with both girls at the same time.  Not only are they young, they are skinny.  And wear cute clothes.  And funky shoes.  We went to two different beach hangouts, and at both I felt terribly out of place.  They were vivacious and out going.  Me, I just sat there being a mother.    At one place, Tootsie's, a bar at Pier Park in Panama City Beach, two guys came over to talk to the girls. All I could think was "what a buzz kill....having your mother sitting there."  Emily quickly let them know she was married, so they chatted with Caroline awhile.  And, they were very polite to me.   Geez, the girl takes her mother to Tootsie's!  I am glad I had time with them.  Shopping, even in the rain, was fun, and eating all the fried seafood was great.
And on a lighter note, Franklin got to spend some quality time with me, without his cone.  I brought him to the beach so I could monitor his medications, and to keep me company while the girls were out.  He's a good boy.  He met an Italian greyhound named Sophie as we were doing the morning walk.
Back to reality tomorrow.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Here they are.

Franklin, left.  Eleanor, center. Ralphie, right.
Three scotties  have come into my life and changed it drastically.  I've always had cats.  Lots of cats.  Then, we had birds.  Lots of birds.  Actually, we still have lots of birds.  When Franklin came, everything changed.  In a wonderful way.  I have become a dog person.  Frank came in 2007.  He was our first indoor dog.  What a learning experience.  Eleanor arrived as a puppy in 2011.  She was totally different from Franklin.  Spunky, and not nearly as laid back.  And white dogs show dirt much more than black dogs!  Sir Ralph, a four year old, arrived this year, the day before my 57th birthday.  My goodness, what a ferocious little thing he was. I have the scars on my arms to prove it. After having him less than a week, I signed him up for obedience classes.   We just finished our last class and he has become a delightful member of  our family.     Lucky for  me, my husband is as big a sucker as I am, and he has embraced them all with much love and affection.  He was in total agreement with me that we needed a king-sized bed to accomodate humans, canines, and felines.

A-Day 2013

Caroline and I went to Auburn for the last rolling of the oak trees at Toomer's Corner.  It was also A Day, and the crowd was unbelieveable.   An A Day record was set..over 87,000 fans were in attendance.  And then, I think all 87,000 of them went to Toomer's afterwards to roll the trees.  I've never seen such a crowd, but I wasn't at the National Championship rolling!! It was a gorgeous spring day.  Bittersweet, yet looking forward to the upcoming season.  It is a New Day...I am on the Gus Bus.  War Eagle.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Back at it!

Okay, so I haven't blogged since November.  When do you get the time to blog?????  I've thought of a million things to say, and have lots of pictures to post, but when do I get to sit down at my computer to do it???  Okay, I will start today.  Stay tuned.